We’re happy to announce that after many months, the archaeological site Cañada de la Virgen has re-opened.
The health and safety of our guests is our top priority. For that reason, we have remained closed since March. The San Miguel de Allende municipal government has put additional measures in place to ensure that tour operators operate safely to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. We will follow those guidelines, including smaller and private groups, requiring masks, and having the proper sanitary measures in place.
We have successfully completed the courses required by the federal and state governments to operate safely and legally: Recommendations for a Safe Return to Work During Covid-19, All About the Prevention of Covid-19 and Guanajuato Sano Distintivo.

Due to the site’s location far outside of the city, in a pristine rural setting, the tour is a safe option for those interested. We’re also at the beginning of the most beautiful and colorful time of the wildflower blooming season, so it’s a great time to visit.
We hope to see you soon!
Albert Coffee Tours